12寧2擔乮嬥乯屵屻 4丗20乣 屵屻5丗20
島墘幰丗Prof. Ben Burton (RMIT University)
島墘戣栚丗乽Minimal Triangulations of Non-Orientable 3-Manifolds乿
============================================================Date: December 2(Fri.) 16:20-17:20
Room: Nara Women's University C435
Speaker: Prof. Ben Burton (RMIT University)
Title: Minimal Triangulations of Non-Orientable 3-Manifolds
Abstract: A minimal triangulation is a method of building a 3-manifold using11寧25擔(嬥)16:20-17:50
応強丗撧椙彈巕戝妛棟妛晹俠搹係奒丂C431 乮悢妛墘廗幒乯
島墘幰丗Prof. Akhil Ranjan (Indian Institute of Technology)
島墘戣栚丗乽Harmonic manifolds with minimal horospheres乿
============================================================Date: November 25(Fri.) 16:20-17:50
Room: Nara Women's University C431
Speaker: Prof. Akhil Ranjan (Indian Institute of Technology)
Title: Harmonic manifolds with minimal horospheres
応強丗撧椙彈巕戝妛棟妛晹俠搹係奒丂C434 乮悢妛彫島媊幒乯
島墘幰丗Prof. Song Won Taek (Korea Inst. for Advanced Study)
島墘戣栚丗乽The minimum dilataion of pseudo-Anosov 5-braids乿
============================================================Date: November 4(Fri.) 14:40-16:10
Room: Nara Women's University C434
Speaker: Prof. Song Won Taek (Korea Inst. for Advanced Study)
Title: The minimum dilataion of pseudo-Anosov 5-braids
Abstract: The minimum dilatation of pseudo-Anosov 5-braids4寧19擔(壩)14:40-15:40
応強丗撧椙彈巕戝妛棟妛晹俠搹係奒丂C431-2 乮悢妛墘廗幒乯
島墘幰丗暯郪旤壜嶰巵 (妛廗堾戝妛)
島墘戣栚丗乽The flat basket presentation of Seifert surfaces and
a new coding algorithm for links乿
Date: April 19(Tue.) 14:40-15:40
Room: Nara Women's University C431-2
Speaker: Prof. Mikami Hirasawa (Gakushuin Univ.)
Title: The flat basket presentation of Seifert surfaces and
a new coding algorithm for links