Manami Hosoi and Yumiko Umegaki, On the distribution of \log |L(\sigma, \chi)| and \log L(\sigma, \chi_D) in the modulus aspect, preprint, arXiv:2410.20341
Kohji Matsumoto and Yumiko Umegaki, Asymptotic formulas for the logarithm of general L-functions at and near s=1, preprint, arXiv:2401.17610
Philippe Lebacque, Kohji Matsumoto, Masahiro Mine and Yumiko Umegaki, On the value distribution of the logarithms of symmetric power L-functions in the level aspect, preprint, arXiv:2209.11918.
Kohji Matsumoto and Yumiko Umegaki, On the value-distribution of symmetric power L-functions, in "Topics in Number Theory : On the Occasion of the 130th Birth Anniversary of Srinivasa Ramanujan", Ramanujan Mathematical Society Lecture Notes Series, vol. 26, Ramanujan Mathematical Society, 2020., 147--167.
Atsuki Umegaki and Yumiko Umegaki, Quatic number fields with large class numbers, Rocky Mountain J. Math. 50 (2020), No. 1, 267--280.
Kohji Matsumoto and Yumiko Umegaki, On the density function for the value-distribution of automorphic L-functions, Journal of Number Theory 198 (2019) 176--199.
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